Hyper-Accelerate Drug Development

Computational models and AI technology allow to dramatically accelerate the development of new drugs, to reduce, refine and replace tests on animals and clinical trials, to improve the safety of medical products and significantly cut R&D costs.

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Accelerate Development, Reduce Costs, Improve Safety


Modeling & Simulation combined with artificial intelligence is the most effective way to innovate the R&D process in healthcare. Already successfully used for decades in many industrial sectors, this cutting-edge technology is finally about to revolutionize the medical industry. A computational approach can increase the safety of drugs, while significantly reducing their development cost and the time to market.

Your benefits


Accelerate the development new drugs


Significantly cut R&D costs


Improve the safety of new products


Reduce, refine and replace tests on animals and clinical trials


Days faster than traditional approach


Cost reduction

The Pursuit of Excellence in New Drug Development

Cloud-Based Solutions for Cost-Effective R&D


We have built a unique cloud platform where powerful computational models, developed by top scientists at renowned universities, research centers and companies worldwide, are made available to the healthcare industry in an easy-to-use and cost-effective manner. Our game-changing approach to Modeling & Simulation means faster and way less expensive R&D for safer drugs.


Upload specific data and set parameters


Run the simulation and get your outcomes


Download your report compliant with regulatory requirements


Computational Models Combined with AI for Faster Results & Lower Costs


We provide a series of cloud-based digital solutions that integrate computational models, so our clients do not need to worry about developing their own solutions and paying for very expensive software, IT infrastructures, and  specialized personnel. The cloud guarantees total data security and the possibility to access the platform from everywhere in the world.


Blog Section - July 24, 2024

InSilicoTrials Highlighted in HSBC Venture Healthcare Report for 1H 2024


Read our news and press releases

CBINSIGHTS  recognized us as a major player in the Digital Twin & Biosimulations sector 

We are currently part of DayOne Health 4.0 International Digital Health Accelerator 

We were part of Plug and Play’s Basel Accelerator Program (2022)

Start simulating now