CTx NeutroSim

A tool that performs in silico clinical trials to assess the neutropenic effects of a chemotherapeutic agent in a virtual population of cancer patients


Clinically Validated

Validated on a clinical dataset of absolute neutrophil counts data from five phase I clinical studies including 111 cancer patients


Display and Export

Results can be easily visualized and downloaded in CSV format and a simulation PDF report is available as well


Easy to Use

Well-designed wizard (user interface) that step-by-step guides the user through the setup and running of the simulation

Neutropenia is a condition in which neutrophils are below normal levels. It is a common side effect in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and is associated with an increased risk of getting serious infections. Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is of primary concern for both drug developers and clinicians, as in order to prevent its occurrence, chemotherapy doses may be lowered or delayed, possibly compromising treatment outcomes (Lustberg 2012). 

CTx NeutroSim is based on a semi-mechanistic pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic computational model which describes neutropenic effects following the administration of a chemotherapeutic agent. The computational model has been calibrated on data obtained from diflomotecan clinical trials and demonstrated its ability in describing neutropenic effects after very different dosing schedules of diflomotecan given either by intravenous infusion or oral administration (Mangas-Sanjuan 2015).   

CTx NeutroSim enables simulations of clinical trials on a virtual population of cancer patients being treated with a chemotherapeutic drug. The tool can be used to explore different trial design scenarios in terms of drug pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, single and multiple dosing, administration route, as well as virtual population. 

Research team

CTx NeutroSim is the result of a collaboration between the University of Navarra and InSilicoTrials Technologies. 

Articles & publications

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